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Using interactive graphs to receive relevant input from surveys

Getting feedback from users is extremely important when thinking about creating and delivering a product that people want. Taking into account suggestions and ideas for improvemet is always a good thing.

In many occasions, the process used to obtain feedback from people involves some kind of survey in written format. Most surveys take time to be completed, and that's why everyone tries to avoid them.

At QiWord we wanted to radically change that. We did so by creating an interactive graph where you can simply drag and place QiWord's logo according to your perceived usefulness (x-axis), and according to your perceive uniqueness as product (y-axis).

That's it!

If you still want to write us a few words (up to 160 characters only), you can do it as well.

You can send us your feedback by clicking 'submit'.

The feedback graph can be accessed by pressiong on the 'Feedback' icon located on the right side of each page from the website.

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