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Martin Calvino is an American - Uruguayan multimedia artist and scientist. He is currently working on la-TEE-neks, a data science based art project that investigates

the contextual meaning of the term LATINX as communicated by the printed press in United States.

He works across mediums, emphasizing weaved textiles, abstract paintings, and the integration of media arts with genomics, machine learning and tango culture. Martin's work have been exhibited at the Newark Museum of Art, CICA Museum, FILE, and the Morris Arts & Dodge Foundation among others. His written essays have been published extensibly in peer-reviewed journals and magazines including Leonardo Journal, Genome Biology & Evolution, CLOT and NOEMA magazines. He was an artist-in-residence at the 'Art and Artificial Intelligence Lab' at the Computer Science Department of Rutgers University; and a Senior Research Assistant at the School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong. He previously attended the Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP) at Tisch School of the Arts, New York University. He holds degrees in Plant Molecular Genetics from Rutgers University (PhD) and Tsukuba University (MS), and in Molecular Biology from the University of the Republic of Uruguay (BS); conducting his studies under the sponsorship of prestigious fellowships such as Fulbright (USA) and Monbukagakusho (Japan). Martin's curatorial work includes the intersection of Uruguayan culture with new media arts at the Consulate General of Uruguay in New York; TechnoArte Latino at Princeton Public Library in Princeton, New Jersey with co-sponsorship from the Art Museum of Princeton University; and Videokanava Art Organization in Tampere, Finland. 

Martin currently lives in Buenos Aires while working (remotely)  as Postdoctoral Associate at the Human Genetics Institute of New Jersey - Rutgers University, and is supported by a research fellowship from the National Institutes of Health (NIH).


Visiting Professor in Data Science - Torcuato Di Tella University

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Starting March 1, 2023

Postdoctoral Research Associate - The Human Genetics Institute of New Jersey

Ellison Lab - Department of Genetics, Rutgers University

August 2021 to Present

Creative Director- Insitute for Practical Life Psychotherapy

Highland Park, New Jersey

January 2019 to Present



New York University, New York City, NY

Attended Master of Professional Studies (MPS), Fall 2017 - Spring 2018

Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP)

Tisch School of the Arts

Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), October 2014

Waksman Institute of Microbiology

Graduate Program in Plant Biology & Pathology

Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ

Completed 4 credits on Certificate in Science and Technology Management

Master of Business and Science, 2011

Tsukuba University, Tsukuba, Ibaraki-ken, Japan

Master of Biosystems Studies (MS), March 2006

University of the Republic of Uruguay, Montevideo, Uruguay

Bachelor of Biological Sciences (BS), November 2002

StartSmart Your Business 4th Edition, SCORE Princeton Chapter, 2011

Princeton, New Jersey


Postdoctoral Fellowship, National Institutes of Health (NIH) / NIGMS Diversity Supplement, August 2021 - 2023

Tisch School of the Arts Scholarship, New York University, 2017-2018

Eileen Brennan Graduate Research Award, Rutgers University, 2012

Graduate Research Fellowship, Rutgers University, 2006-2013

BARSA Scholarship Award, Institute of International Education, 2006

Fulbright Fellowship, Fulbright Commission of Uruguay, 2006-2007

Monbukagakusho Graduate Fellowship, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan, 2003-2006



31 South, Walsh Gallery - Seton Hall University, Curated by Jeanne Brasile, Sep 12 to December 9, 2022 (solo exhibition)

Experimental Films Online, Digital Cloth audiovisual work, March 27, 2022

Shifting Ground, Morris Arts & Dodge Foundation, Morristown - New Jersey, March - August 2022

MOCA Lights Video Screening & Projection, Patchogue Arts Council, Patchogue, NY, October 2021

Pandemic Projections - hosted by Art Wavelength - Kearny, New Jersey, August 28, 2021

The Newark Museum of Art, Revision & Respond Exhibition, Newark, New Jersey, June - August 2021

Videokanava Online Gallery, Coevolutionism: the emergence of a new subgenre of abstract art, Tampere, Finland, July - August 2020 (Solo Exhibition) 

Fring Arts Bath, Automated Exhibition, Bath, England, May - June 2020 

Videokanava FEM4 Contemporary Art Exhibition, VBKO, Vienna, Austria, October 2020

Videokanava FEM4 Contemporary Art Exhibition, Neon Kunst Gallery, Berlin, Germany, July 2020

Fring Arts Bath, Digital Footprint Exhibition, Bath, England, May - June 2020 (Suspended > Covid-19 Pandemic)

Videokanava Online Gallery, Tampere, Finland, January - June 2020

plusCODE 2019 Festival de Cultura Digital, and Proyecto Rotatoria, Buenos Aires, Argentina, December 2019

CICA Museum, South Korea, November - December 2019

Videokanava FEM4 Contemporary Art Exhibition, Tampere, Finland, September 2019

World of Tango Festival, Tampere, Finland, September 2019

FILE - Electronic Language International Festival - Sao Paulo, Brazil, June 2019

Proyecto Rotatoria, Centro Cultural Recoleta, Buenos Aires, Argentina, March - April 2019

The Lift-Off Sessions Online Film Festival, Streamed on Vimeo On Demand, February 2019

Proyecto Rotatoria, CineClub Municipal Hugo Del Carril, Cordoba, Argentina, December 2018

MoTiF Film Festival, Alaska, United States, August 2018


Subordinated Reality, Videokanava, Tampere, Finland, March - December 2020 

TechnoArte Latino, Princeton Public Library & The Art Museum of Princeton University, May 2019

Uruguayan Culture Through the Lens of New Media Arts, Consulate General of Uruguay in New York, October 2018


Art & Artificial Intelligence Lab, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ, January - July 2019

School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, January - September 2018

Center for the Arts and Sciences GEN, Montevideo, Uruguay,  2016

Institute of Agricultural Science (INIA), Montevideo, Uruguay, 2016

Laboratory for Computerized Languages, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of the Republic of Uruguay, Montevideo, Uruguay, 2016


Piano Online Concert, Pablo Estigarribia's Student Concert Series, May 22, 2021

Department of Latino and Caribbean Studies, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ, February 2019

Consulate General of Uruguay in New York, NYC, October 2018

1 + 1 = 3, Clive Davis Institute of Recorded Music and Interactive Telecommunications Program, New York University, February 2018


Data Science for Social Justice, invited talk - Walsh Gallery - Seton Hall University, October 5, 2022

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) in R: (h)ou->(R) Meeting, Rutgers University, November 15, 2021

Clustering Analysis in R: K Means Clustering, (h)ou->(R) Meeting, Rutgers University, October 4, 2021

Clustering Analysis in R: Hierarchical Clustering, (h)ou->(R) Meeting, Rutgers University, September 27, 2021

Factors in R: dataset analysis on lending practices towards latinos from 911 banks in NJ, (h)ou->(R) Meeting, Rutgers University, September 13, 2021

Coevolution of human-machine creativity, AI Theory & Creativity, Digital Future Talks Series, February 2021

Art of genomics / Genomics of art, Lab Meeting - Dr. Christopher Ellison's Research Group, Department of Genetics, Rutgers University, December 2020 

TechnoArte Latino, Princeton Public Library, Princeton, NJ, May 2019

New Media Caucus, College Arts Association Conference, New York City, February 2019

Consulate General of Uruguay in New York, New York City, October 2018

Music and Audio Research Laboratory, NYU-Steinhardt, New York City, September 2018

International Seminar on Hypertext's Narratives, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of the Republic of Uruguay, Montevideo, Uruguay, August 2016

Virtual Symposium on Information & Technology in the Arts & Humanities, Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T), and Special

Interest group for Arts and Humanities (SIGAH), January 2016

Seminar on Digital Art, Technical School of Uruguay (UTU), Santa Lucia - Canelones, Uruguay 2016

Seminar on Entrepreneurship, iJOBS Program - Rutgers University & Commercialization Center for Innovative Technologies (CCIT), North Brunswick 2015

Gordon Research Conference in Plant Molecular Biology, New Hampshire 2012

Latin American Congress of Genetics, Rosario - Argentina 2012

National Institute of Agricultural Sciences (INIA), Colonia - Uruguay 2011

Sugarcane Engineering Workshop, Rutgers University - New Brunswick, New Jersey 2008

Kasuza DNA Research Institute, Kisarazu - Japan 2008

Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Chronobiology (JSC), Tsukuba - Japan 2005

45th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists (JSPP), Tokyo - Japan 2004


Data Driven Conversations - Hispanic Heritage Month, Seton Hall University, December 1, 2022

Exhibition Shifting Ground, Best Things New Jersey, March 21, 2022

Exhibition Shifting Ground, AARP, March 12, 2022

Morris Museum presents "Shifting Ground" exhibit starting March 14, Morris NewsBee, March 10, 2022

Celebrate New Times - The Newark Museum of Art Reopens, June 2021

Newark Museum of Art displays works inspired by the pandemic, June 2021, April 2021

Fulbright Uruguay, April 2021, March 2021

Intangiblia Podcast, December 2020

El Observador, April (online) - May (printed) 2020

Videokanava Website, April 2020

Nación Eléctrica, April 2019

CLOT Magazine, July 2018

Art Uncovered, January 2018

TV Channel 5, Interviewed by TV Show 'Tiempo de Campo', TELEFE Group, Rosario - Argentina 2012

Radio Colonia AM 550 MHZ, Interviewed by Radio Show 'Entre el Campo y la Ciudad', Colonia - Uruguay 2012

Daily Targum, Rutgers University's Newspaper, New Brunswick - New Jersey 2009



looping_thoughts, Bandurria Records, November 2018


Leonardo Journal, MIT Press, 2019

Adjacent, ITP, 2017

PLOS One, Journal of Experimental Botany, Gene, Genome, Journal of Plant Physiology, 2011 - 2016

PUBLICATIONS (peer-reviewed)

*Calvino, M. 2019. Procedurally generated artworks based on multiple sequence alignment of orthologous gene copies. Leonardo Journal

*Calvino, M. 2019. Computational art inspired on genome browsers. Leonardo Journal

*Calvino, M., Messing, J. 2013. Discovery of microRNA169 gene copies in genomes of flowering plants through positional information.

Genome Biology & Evolution 5(2): 402-417 

*Calvino, M., Messing, J. 2012. Sweet sorghum as a model system for bioenergy crops. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 23(3): 323-329

*Calvino, M., Bruggmann, R., Messing, J. 2011. Characterization of the small RNA component of the transcriptome from grain and sweet sorghum stems.    BMC Genomics 12: 356

*Miyata, K., Calvino, M., Oda, A., Sugiyama, H., Mizoguchi, T. 2011. Suppression of late-flowering and semi-dwarf phenotypes in the Arabidopsis clock            mutant lhy-12;cca1-101 by phyB under continuous light. Plant Signaling & Behavior 6(8): 1162-1171

*Lam, E., Shine, J., Da Silva, J., Lawton, M., Bonos, S., Calvino, M., Carrer, H., Silva-Filho, MC., Glynn, N., Helsel, Z., Ma, J., Edward, R., Mendes Souza, G.,   

Ming, R. 2009. Improving sugarcane for biofuel: engineering for an even better feedstock. GCB Bioenergy 1: 251-255 

*Calvino, M., Miclaus, M., Bruggmann, R., Messing, J. 2009. Molecular markers for sweet sorghum based on microarray expression data.

RICE 2(2-3): 129-142

*Calvino, M., Bruggmann, R., Messing, J. 2008. Screen of genes linked to high-sugar content in stems by comparative genomics. RICE 1(2): 166-176 

*Kanae, N., Nakagawa, M., Calvino, M., Mizoguchi, T. 2007. Dance of plants with circadian clock. Plant Biotechnology 24(1): 87-97

*Calvino, M., Kamada, H., Mizoguchi, T. 2005. Is the role of the short- day solely to switch off the CONSTANS in Arabidopsis?

Plant Biotechnology 22(3): 179-183 

*Goni, B., Fresia, P., Calvino, M., Ferreiro, M. J., Valente, V. L. and da Silva L.B. 2001. First record of Zaprionus indianus Gupta 1970 (Diptera: Drosophilidae) in southern localities of Uruguay. Drosophila Information Service 84: 61–65


Calvino, M. 2022. Interlaced Objects. Pinky Thinker Press: Issue No. 5

Calvino, M. 2020. Coevolution of human-machine creativity: incorporating the visual output of artificial intelligence into traditional art making. NOEMA

Calvino, M. 2019. Post-polyploidy subgenome evolution of glitch art. NOEMA

Calvino, M. 2019. A framework for the integration of art & science. NOEMA

Interalia Magazine, September 2018



Matthew Mann, Computer Science Department, University of Regina, Canada, April - May 2020

Dr. Chunguang Du, Professor, Department of Biology, Montclair State University, April 2019    

Dr. Antoni Chan, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong, July - August 2018

Dr. Michael Purugganan, Professor, Center for Genomics and Systems Biology, New York University; and 

Dr. Andrea Gallavotti, Assistant Professor, Waksman Institute of Microbiology, Rutgers University, March 2018 

Adriana Salgado & Orlando Reyes, Professional Tango Dancers, New York City, December 2017

Glenn Manko, Director of Talent Acquisition, LinkedIn, New York City, February 2016



Co-Founded MateAmargo Tango, Jusleine Expressions LLC, Highland Park, NJ, 2011 - 2012

Co-Founded 3e Bioenergy LLC, North Brunswick , NJ 2014-2015


Department of Chemistry and Computational Biology, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ, April 2022

Department of Chemistry and Computational Biology, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ, March 2022

Department of Latino and Caribbean Studies, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ, February 2019

ORT University, Montevideo, Uruguay, 2016

Technical University of Uruguay (UTU), Montevideo and Canelones, Uruguay, 2002



Digital edition, acrylic on cardboard painting, Philadelphia, PA, April 2019 

Digital edition, algorithmic artwork, Philadelphia, PA, April 2018

Digital artwork, Philadelphia, PA, February 2016



Organizing Weekly Meetings for R Programming Language, Rutgers University, September to November 2021

Grant Writer: Youth Entrepreneurship Grant ($20K), Jewish Renaissance Foundation (JRF), Perth Amboy - New Jersey 2016

Donated Sanyo Plant Growth Chamber to GENSPACE: community bio-laboratory, Brooklyn - New York City 2016

Volunteered for Hyphen-Hub @ NYC Creative Tech Week, New York City 2016

Founded Tango Club for graduate students, Rutgers University, New Brunswick - New Jersey 2012


Genetics Society of America (GSA), November 2021 to Present

New Media Caucus, November 2021 to Present

College Arts Association, November 2021 to Present

International Symposium on Electronic Arts (ISEA International), October 2021 to Present

The International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology (ISAST) / Leonardo, 2017 to Present


Calvino, M., Son, JH., Ellison, C (2021). The NXF gene family in Drosophila: evolutionary history and cell-type specific gene expression.

63rd Annual Drosophila Research Conference (Accepted)

New York, United States

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