martin calvino
artist - scientist
By Martin Calvino, June 2020
Much have been said about the creative capacity of Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms in blurring the definition of artist. Humanists and art purists have expressed that AI-generated art is lacking in social context and intent; whereas technologists fully embrace the creative output of AI and consider it as original as any other human-created artwork. Although artists who embrace this technology may or may not have a definitive intent beyond their AI-generated artworks, these have usually been derived from publicly shared image datasets in which the artist did not have a direct role in creating them. In occasions like these, artists' involvement is purely relegated to image curation. This is certainly not the case with Martin Calvino, who creates AI-generated art based on images entirely derived from his creative practice. Furthermore, Calvino utilizes traditional means to create abstract paintings that contain visual elements derived from AI-generated art that are intelligently mixed with his own artistic style. The first twenty such paintings in a series are presented here for sale. This series provides you with an insight into Calvino's first human-AI hybrid artworks; and at the same time facilitates an online channel to acquire and own such works for the expansion of your art collection.
The conceptual, technological and artistic framework guiding this work is based on the notion of human-AI artistic coevolution, and has been previously described here, and subsequently published in the Italian art-science-technology magazine NOEMA (read the article here). Briefly explained, it is an artistic process in which an AI-algorithm learns inherent and unconscious artistic decisions expressed across a portfolio of artworks made by the artist; with AI consequently generating artworks in which texture, form, color and spatial arrangements are conceived in novel and surprising ways. In this manner, an AI-algorithm assist the artist in exploring the vast space of possible creative outcomes that could be derived from the artist's own style. The artist subsequently integrates part of the machine output back into his paintings by mixing machine aesthetics with his own. When this process is repeated over time, human-machine creativity affects each other and coevolves.
Whereas computer scientist Aleksey Tikhonov and multimedia artist Juri Didevich have called my creative approach as the 'emergence of a new sub-genre in abstract painting', designer and author Manuel Lima has called it 'an evoking meta-narrative of art imitating tech imitating art'. In addition, AI-derived paintings that emerged from my work were featured in 'EL OBSERVADOR', one of the main newspapers in my home country, Uruguay. The news article can be accessed here.
The abstract series is composed of 20 mixed media artworks that were created on cardstock paper containing visual elements drawn and/or painted with pen, sharpie, pencil, pastel, water color and acrylic. Visual elements taken from AI-generated artworks were placed in the background and integrated with my own art style in the foreground. Artworks were framed by a local gallery owner and artisan framer (Figure 1 and 2) . Prices for the AI-Inspired series were consulted with a professional Art Appraiser and were set at $1,370 per artwork. All purchased artworks come accompanied with a signed Certificate of Authenticity.

Figure 1. Images displaying a close up of artwork Calvino_AI_Inspired_Art_#17_June_2020 (left), and artwork framed with a Platform Mounted Shadow Box arrangement with UV-acrylic to prevent light-dependent color degradation (right). All artworks in the series are framed similarly and in white color. Framed artworks have a size of 16 x 16 inches approximately. Mouse click on image to enlarge.

Figure 2. Images of 20 mixed media artworks composing the series Calvino_AI_Inspired_Art_June_2020. The size of each artwork without framing is 12 x 12 inches. Mouse click on image to enlarge.
Handmade artworks are accompanied by a digital art series composed of 14 AI-generated paintings (Figure 3) that were used as inspirational source to create the visual elements placed in the background of handmade art. Whereas all handmade artworks are sold framed, AI-generated paintings are sold as digital files that you can print and frame according to your own discretion. Prices for the AI-series were consulted with a professional Art Appraiser and were set at $250 per digital edition (Edition size of 5 digital files per artwork + 1 Artist Proof). All purchased artworks come accompanied with a signed Certificate of Authenticity.

Figure 3. Images of 14 artificial intelligence generated artworks composing the series Calvino_AI_Art_June_2020. These artworks served as inspiration to compose the works shown on Figure 2. The size of each artwork is 8534 × 6400 pixels at 300 dpi resolution. Bigger images are available at an additional cost. Mouse click on image to enlarge.
To help you visualize the placement of any of these artworks into home / office settings, I provide a set of imaginary images with my art on them (Figure 4). These will greatly facilitate to imagine how my art may look at your place.

Figure 4. Images displaying the imaginary placement of Calvino's art in order to facilitate the though process about how any of these artworks may fit in your home / office space. Mouse click to enlarge.
Would you like to take any of these art pieces home with you? You are just a few clicks away!
When you acquire any one of my pieces online, I ship them to you framed and accompanied by a Certificate of Authenticity with my signature on it. This certificate is essential to validate the authenticity of my work in case you later decide to sell it to a different collector for a higher price. The same is applicable to digital files of AI-generated artworks.
What to expect from an online transaction at my website? Once you have acquired one of my artworks, you will receive an electronic receipt confirming your acquisition. This receipt displays the name of Jusleine Expressions LLC. DBA calvino-designs; since I develop all my artistic activities under my wife's company name Jusleine Expressions LLC. Subsequently, I will write you an email to arrange the shipment of the art piece and the certificate of authenticity to your location. Acquisition of digital files (AI-generated paintings) are not different. You will receive an email from me with attachments to your new artwork and certificate of authenticity. Handling and Shipping is already included in the price. Online Purchases Are Non-Refundable.

If creating an art collection is something that interests you but you are unsure on how or why to start it, here are a couple of weblinks explaining the overall process of assembling your art collection. I hope my art will be a part of your upcoming collection!
If you need to arrange a private visit to my art studio to see the works in person, don't hesitate to contact me by writing at or calling at +1-908-992-8662. Virtual tours are also possible.