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Hong Kong Premiere of ElectroTango sound compositions to be played as cortinas at 'Milonga Otra

Martin Calvino

Here I present my first 'single' of elctroTango sound compositions created entirely from scratch and containing short remixed audio segments from tango songs. My long-term goal is to create an album of short electroTango compositions that I can play as cortinas while DJing at milongas. That's why the soundtracks are of approximately half-minute each.

In the first composition, I included a short audio segment from the tango song 'Tu Corazon' from the orchestra of Alfredo De Angelis. For the second composition, I included a segment from the rendition of la 'Cumparsita' also from Alfredo de Angelis orchestra. Finally, for the third composition I included audio segments from Biagi and Zitarrosa.

These electroTango compositions will be premiered (played as cortinas) at 'Milonga Otra Noche' on Friday-August-17-2018 at Dance Culture in CausewayBay, Hong Kong.

As I create more soundtracks I will start remixing and performing them live at alternative tango rooms at those milongas that are tango-nuevo friendly. This will allow me to put into practice my electronic music composition and professional DJing skills.

The soundtracks presented here were created in August-2018 during my stay in Hong Kong.

New York, United States

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