martin calvino
artist - scientist

looping_thought is my first album of electronic music created with Ableton Live and PUSH 2. The album features novel sounds with tango remix and lyrics created with machine learning derived from a database of more than 5,000 traditional tango lyrics (first three songs). The last two songs feature the voice of Milena Calvino, Martin's daughter who was 6 years old at the time. With this arrangement the author intended to contrast machine and child creativity into a single album. looping_thoughts was released under the label Bandurria Records ( and can be listened to on the following platforms:
Amazon Music
ElectroCortinas Milongueras is the result of Martin's sound experiments in remixing tango with electronic music. The soundtracks were specifically created to be played as cortinas in tango social settings, and this explain their short duration. Cortinas are non-tango songs that are played at tango social gathering called Milongas for dancers exchange partners during sets of 3 or 4 tango songs.
Martin created this EP while living and workin in Hong Kong during 2018.