In this work the author attempted to hybridize aspects of contemporary digital communication such as Facebook text messages, personal data derived from social media use, text analysis and visualization using computer algorithms, and traditional abstract painting. As result the author conceived and created an abstract painting (acrylic on cardboard) having regular mail envelopes containing excerpts from incoming and ongoing Facebook messages. These messages were the result of communication exchanges between the author and 200 Facebook friends over a 2+ years period (January-1-2017 to March-17-2019). The work aims to be interactive in nature as visitors to the exhibit can interact with the painting by opening the envelops and reading the message excerpts. This work explores the possibilities of physical abstract painting as carrier of personal digital data to give visitors an insight into the social media activities from the author who created the painting.
Creation of abstract painting with regular mail envelops_
An acrylic on cardboard painting (of dimensions: 118 x 93 cm) having regular mail envelopes in it was created during March of 2019 (Figure 1). The visual content of the painting followed the artist's abstract style and was not directly related to data derived from text analysis of Facebook messages. The visual composition of the painting stand by its own and at the same time offer a visual trigger to viewers for them to realize the paintings contain regular mail envelops in them. These envelops are the 'interactive agents' that bridge physical and digital worlds as they contain not regular letters but excerpts derived from the digital exchange the author held with Facebook friends.
The painting have 20 mail envelops in it and thus provided the author with the opportunity to share with the audience 20 different conversational topics that took place via Facebook text messaging.

Figure 1. Acrylic on cardboard painting containing regular envelopes. The artwork harbors inside each envelop a printed excerpt from Facebook text messages the author exchanged with 200 hundred friends over a 2 years period.
Natural Language Processing of Facebook's text messages_
In order for the author to curate/select interesting conversational topics he has held with friends in Facebook over a two-year-period, he recurred to text analysis using Natural Language Processing algorithms written in Python. For this, the author manually created two text corpuses: one containing all outgoing Facebook's text messages from the author to his friends; an another containing all incoming Facebook's text messages from friends to the author (Figure 2). The text files contained messages written in English and Spanish. References to weblinks, email addresses, or phone numbers were removed from the corpus of text messages and thus any posterior analysis.

Figure 2. Sketch depicting the overall approach to curate interesting texts from Facebook messages exchange between the author and his friends on the social media platform. Two corpus texts were created: one containing outgoing messages from the author to 200 friends; whereas the other corpus contained incoming messages from 200 friends to the author. Both corpus were compared and analyzed using Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Complex Network Analysis (CNA) in Python. The insight derived from this approach guided the curation/selection of interesting text excerpts to place inside each mail envelope associated with the painting shown on Figure 1.
The Python's library Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) was used to perform text-data-mining on the created text corpuses and to extract interesting insights on the topics written and discussed between the author and his friends. These insights then were considered as the 'conversational topics' to be included in printed format to be placed inside the mail envelops on the painting.
The corpus assembled from outgoing Facebook messages from the author to friends was 1.42 times larger than the corpus text assembled from incoming messages. Despite this fact, the lexical richness of incoming text messages from friends to author was higher than outgoing text messages from author to friends. Lexical richness is a measure of unique words used/written relative to the total size of the corpus text.
Text lengths:
(OuTe Corpus) Outgoing texts: 47,516 vocabulary items (tokens)
(InTe Corpus) Incoming texts: 33,390 vocabulary items (tokens)
Lexical Richness:
OuTe: 0.20 (each world is repeated 5 times on average)
InTe: 0.26 (each word is repeated 4 times on average)
When identifying the top 100 most commonly used words in each corpus text, their cumulative frequency graphs showed that they constituted 42.5% of the outgoing text corpus, and 39.9% of the incoming text corpus, respectively (Figure 3).

Figure 3a. Cumulative frequency graph for top 100 commonly used words from corpus text containing outgoing facebook messages from the author to his friends.

Figure 3b. Cumulative frequency graph for top 100 commonly used words from corpus text containing incoming facebook messages from friends to the author.
Although most of the frequently used words shown on figure 3 are words related to the inner workings of English and Spanish language (personal pronouns and articles for example), the author found 'work' and 'tango' interesting words to analyze because they were shared among the two corpus texts. It is interesting to note that whereas the author frequently mentioned words such as 'art', 'video', and 'media', these words were not frequently mentioned in incoming Facebook texts from friends.
OutTe Corpus: > 'work' (102 occurrences), 'tango' (187 occurrences), 'art' (92 occurrences), 'video' (71 occurrences), and 'media' (61 occurrences)
InTe Corpus: includes > 'work' (53 occurrences) and 'tango' (52 occurrences)
Since there are 20 mail envelopes for each of both paintings (shown on Figure 1), the author needed to find 20 interesting words in total that were shared among the two text corpuses. Because 'work' and 'tango' were initially found within the top 100 most frequently mentioned words, an additional 18 words of interest shared among the incoming and outgoing text corpuses needed to be found. For this reason, the author focused his attention to (1) words that were longer than 7 characters and had been mentioned more than 7 times; (2) collocation of words; and (3) words ending with 'ing'.
(OuTe) Words from OUTGOING Facebook Messages written BY AUTHOR to friends:
['(practice', 'Argentina', 'Diciembre', 'Facebook', 'Gracias!', 'Holidays!', 'Jusleine', 'Leonardo', 'Leonardo,', 'Montevideo', 'Princeton', 'Richard,', 'Saludos!', 'University', 'University.', 'algorithm', 'alternative', 'apologize', 'articulo', 'artificial', 'artistas', 'artistic', 'artworks', 'artículos', 'audiovisual', 'available', 'background', 'building', 'buscando', 'collaborate', 'collection', 'community', 'computer', 'consulado', 'contaminación', 'daughter', 'different', 'electronic', 'electronica', 'entonces', 'entrance', 'escribir', 'festival', 'following', 'gracias!', 'gracias.', 'haciendo', 'included', 'inspired', 'interesa', 'interesante', 'interest', 'interested', 'interesting', 'intersection', 'learning', 'material', 'mensaje.', 'message.', 'mientras', 'milonga.', 'milongas', 'multimedia', 'opportunity', 'organizar', 'original', 'performance', 'performance)', 'performance.', 'practica', 'practice', 'preguntar', 'promotional', 'propuesta', 'proyecto', 'realizar', 'regards,', 'remember', 'research', 'response.', 'resulting', 'saludos!', 'shooting', 'something', 'soundtrack', 'speakers', 'surrealistic', 'technology', 'thinking', 'together', 'tomorrow', 'tonight.', 'trabajar', 'traditional', 'upcoming', 'visualization']
(InTe) Words from INCOMING Facebook Messages written BY FRIENDS to author:
['Thursday', 'actually', 'alternative', 'available', 'different', 'electronic', 'entiendo', 'everything', 'festival', 'haciendo', 'important', 'interesting', 'learning', 'material', 'performance', 'practice', 'probably', 'proyecto', 'recording', 'schedule', 'something', 'thinking', 'tomorrow']
Shared words between OuTe and InTe are (with interesting words in bold):
alternative - available - different - electronic - festival - haciendo- interesting
learning - material - performance - practice - proyecto - something - thinking - tomorrow
A collocation is a sequence of words that occur together unusually often, and are characteristically resistant to substitutions with words that have similar senses. Clear examples from results below include the name of cities as collocations, such as Hong Kong, Buenos Aires, and New York.
Collocations of words in OuTe:
Hong Kong; message finds; would like; new media; gracias por; Kind
regards,; short film; media art; Happy Holidays!; creates
surrealistic; Martin Calvino; machine learning; two weeks; regards,
Martin; resulting images; Buenos Aires; surrealistic images;
promotional material; so. Happy; computer algorithm
Collocations of words in InTe:
Hong Kong; Hola Martín,; New York; Hola Martín!; muchas gracias;
Gracias por; gracias por; Muchas gracias; machine learning;
alternative room; Hola Martín.; get back; would love; Hey Martin,;
little bit; Hola Martin; right now.; 21.30 hs.y; hs.y sabados; Looking
Interesting shared collocations:
Hong Kong - machine learning
The author was interested in analyzing the use of verbs or words ending with 'ing' and how their frequency may change in outgoing versus incoming Facebook messages:
Words in OuTe which ends with 'ing' and were mentioned more than 7 times:
['DJing', 'asking', 'being', 'bring', 'building', 'coming', 'dancing', 'doing', 'during', 'following', 'going', 'interesting', 'learning', 'leaving', 'letting', 'living', 'looking', 'morning', 'playing', 'resulting', 'sending', 'shooting', 'something', 'taking', 'talking', 'thing', 'thinking', 'trying', 'upcoming', 'using', 'working', 'writing']
Words in InTe which ends with 'ing' and were mentioned more than 7 times:
['being', 'dancing', 'doing', 'everything', 'getting', 'going', 'interesting', 'learning', 'looking', 'meeting', 'recording', 'something', 'talking', 'thinking', 'working']
Shared words between OuTe & InTe ending with '-ing':
being - dancing - doing - going - interesting - learning - looking - something - talking - thinking - working
Examination of shared-words contexts between incoming and outgoing Facebook messages_
A concordance view shows every occurrence of a given word and its context. This allows for comparing the context in which words that are shared between incoming and outgoing Facebook messages were written. Based on the text analysis previously shown, the author has identified 20 words that were shared between incoming and outgoing Facebook messages that are an interesting case for a concordance. These words and their contexts will be printed and included in the painting shown on Figure 1 by placing them inside the envelopes (20 envelopes - 20 shared words - 20 concordances) (Figure 4). Based on the above, the selected words are:
work - tango - alternative - electronic - festival - performance - proyecto - Hong Kong - machine learning - being - dancing - doing - going - interesting - learning - looking - something - talking - thinking - working

Figure 4. A print out of concordance for the word 'work' to be placed into regular mail envelopes associated with an abstract painting.
Let's take a look at the concordance of the word 'work':
Outgoing messages: 25 out of 102 matches displayed
. I left you a phone message at your work in Princeton. I wanted to reach out
to possible implement collaborative work Hi Keiichi, thanks for your kind wor
hi, thanks for your kind words. Your work is also very interesting! Perhaps we
program! Thank you so much for your work and help! sure, no rush. I am thinki
itional dancers (female and male) to work along with you? Hi Santiago and Beat
st part comes: that is to submit the work to several Film_Festivals in the Ind
I am confident you guys will make it work on the spot with improvisation. Alre
does Mondays and Wednesdays evenings work with you? The short film will probab
program! Thank you so much for your work and help! here is the written essay
st part comes: that is to submit the work to several Film Festivals in the Ind
stead of the studio and you guys can work it out as best accommodate this sure
the evening Jusleine just get out of work at 6PM and lives in NJ at what time
earsal ok, what days besides Sundays work with you? Female dancer is Jusleine
do it? Sundays are Mondays (anytime) work best for me. because it is on the su
-provoking research, commentary, and work relating to current discourse and em
ht y de ahi la conexión) Ryota! your work is amazing... Ahi te mande mensaje w
ch other any other time! How is your work going? Kind regards Muchas gracias M
elligence. It occurred to me that my work may be of your interest to be featur
the other artists. Will study their work Hi Christiane, happy new year! I hop
sking me to extend the context of my work and include references to artists wo
f you know more artists whose visual work pertaining DNA has been influential
st part comes: that is to submit the work to several Film Festivals in the Ind
about possibly joining Montclair to work at the intersection of science and m
e delayed. I will stay for a year to work on artificial intelligence and art H
ideo as well. Does sometime in April work for you? I am leaving to Hong Kong i
Incoming messages: 25 out of 55 matches displayed
it allows it in ur own website might work no soundcloud doesnt work maybe a gi
site might work no soundcloud doesnt work maybe a github repo? and provide the
si po, christian es muy bueno a ver work work work ahora estoy terminando de
o, christian es muy bueno a ver work work work ahora estoy terminando de mezcl
ristian es muy bueno a ver work work work ahora estoy terminando de mezclar el
ays & times, and I’ll see what I can work out. Also, let me know how much time
But if we can't communicate i can't work with you on this Please always commu
have time to discuss this now. Im a work too Or 6 to 7:30 At the studio. Make
8pm. Not sure about after I usually work in Newark till 3pm My calendar is th
oing to be there for an entire year? Work is going well but there is much of i
in, I think there is a lot of visual work referencing DNA but more interesting
idency sounds amazing - what type of work are you doing there? Congratulations
Ok, let's do it!!! It probably would work better. Put your request on FB. To b
t now. Yes, that is the idea. Yes, I work on it everyday. I am also creating a
e come down then thanks! Yes we will work on it! Ok. We know the tango very we
se let me know if any of these times work for you. Hi Martin! I saw your post
son you are looking for. I currently work as a paraprofessional at Irving in o
009. Nice ad it is B&W, classy, nice work you did - this is three tango we did
rtist Gona do 1060 build in card man Work with chinese manufacture I got my ow
n? Hugs! Now give me some dates that work for you for djing and I check the ca
hone etc I have gmail yes that would work oh the file is too big. do you have
ethnomusicologist, Alan Lomax, whose work inspired Marco’s Master’s Thesis, Ge
of a Rhythm (2018), which remains a work in progress. In Genealogy, Marco doc
instrument?” Your Nyu email doesn’t work What’s your email Espanish o inglish
d sensibilities are displayed in her work on over 30 films, installations, vid
The above text fragments show that a concordance on the word 'work' really provided many other words occurring just before and after the occurrence of 'work', providing a valuable context in which the word was used across many instances in the corpus texts, facilitating the interpretation in its differences in use among outgoing and incoming Facebook text messages. What other words appear in the text corpuses with similar range of contexts to 'work'?
Words in OutTe with similar range of contexts to 'work':
you - milonga - put - this - do - make - wife - tango - dj - email - idea - message - i
daughter - time - be - website - get - way - phd
Words in InTe with similar range of contexts to 'work':
time - works - do - am - post - you - nyc - leave - life - is - it - said - we - be - other - u - recorded - person - like - growth
Let's now take the word 'time' and conduct a concordance for outgoing Facebook text messages as test case to identify indeed that they share a similar range of contexts with 'work' in its respective text corpus:
Displaying 25 of 79 matches in OuTe:
r to the library there often, SO any time during 2019 would in principle work.
ple work. Would you like we set up a time to visit the lab and you can explain
tion? I am actively looking for full time employment right now Hi Sharon! Mart
ds, MC Hi Santiago, for the practice time at Nocturne I suggest you guys think
most. Do you want to have a practice time for dancing the soundtracks? here is
interested in participating and your time availability during next week or the
work at 6PM and lives in NJ at what time can you do it tonight ok, I thought
be nearby let us know so we can have time for talking about the film I see I w
came back to USA before the expected time since Tomas came to Boston for a 5 m
nks! please confirm me again at what time should I be there. I want to be with
should I be there. I want to be with time to set up ok, that's fine too. Great
enlivening him at NYC milongas each time I see you dancing on the floor + all
ses with him before? for us is first time thanks! great! let me know? hey Batt
le said yes and then they don't have time or they don't want to do it. I may n
nt are super small I better spend my time dancing when not working Super, let
ed artists out there. It will take a time for me as well as many applications
king a few classes with Naveira this time of year. I was wandering why don’t y
ow wow! next book? Prof told me next time I should prepare choreography to cut
e intended hey Batt, thanks for your time last Wed at TC. Please find the firs
o promote your book instead, so your time and effort can be compensated that w
me you guys met! Great! I hope next time I can catch up with you guys at a mi
thanks for these. I had a fantastic time just see your message now! I don't h
ter with me How many hours? Starting time to finish time? I can do that Great!
about tango, let me know. If I have time I would like to create two films in
de a resume/CV with bio? What's your time availability this week? for short in
When extending this procedure to all of the 20 words selected that were shared among outgoing and incoming Facebook text messages, the author could identify a group of words that shared a similar range of contexts based on concordance (Figure 5). Interestingly these words were not always shared between outgoing and incoming text messages, which prompted the author to study their relationship to the 20 selected words by conducting Complex Network Analysis (CNA).

Figure 5. Differences between OuTe (outgoing Facebook text messages) and InTe (incoming Facebook text messages) in the number of words that shard a similar range of contexts (based on concordance) to the 20 selected words (shown on the Y-axis).
Complex Network Analysis of words with similar range of contexts_
Based on data shown in Figure 5, the author proceeded to explore the quantitative relationships in networks created by connecting each of the 20 selected words to their corresponding words that shared a similar range of contexts on the concordance analysis. The author manually created two CSV (comma-separated values) files, one for OuTe and InTe respectively. These files contained the data shown on Figure 5, and they were analyzed and visualized using the Python's library NetworkX (Figure 6).

Figure 6a. Image depicting the layout network of OuTe data shown on Figure 5, which was created with NetworkX and visualized with pygraphviz module (Graphviz).

Figure 6b. Image depicting the layout network of InTe data shown on Figure 5, which was created with NetworkX and visualized with pygraphviz module (Graphviz).
From the images shown on Figure 6 it can be seen that the topology of the networks are different between OuTe and InTe, revealing (in visual format) differences in the use of words between the author and his 200 Facebook friends. For instance, the use of the words 'work' and 'working' in OuTe and InTe displayed quite different relationships with words that shared a similar range of contexts.
Because of the less-than-ideal visual layout of NetworkX and Graphviz, the author imported the networks created in NetworkX to Gephi, which can produce publication-quality networks layout. Furthermore, Gephi provides a set of tools to customize the network layout visualization according to 'degrees' (the number of immediate neighbors - adjacent nodes), and 'community structure' (coloring of nodes based on how they form tight groups called communities). The resulting networks layout are shown on Figure 7.

Figure 7a. Image depicting the layout network of OuTe data shown on Figure 5 and Figure 6, which was created with NetworkX and visualized with Gephi. The size of nodes is proportional to their 'degree' (number of adjacent nodes). Nodes were colored according to their 'community structure'. Nodes share the same color if they belong to the same group/community.

Figure 7b. Image depicting the layout network of InTe data shown on Figure 5 and Figure 6, which was created with NetworkX and visualized with Gephi. The size of nodes is proportional to their 'degree' (number of adjacent nodes). Nodes were colored according to their 'community structure'. Nodes share the same color if they belong to the same group/community. Coloring of nodes from figure 7a does not relate to figure 7b.
From the new network visualizations created in Gephi, differences in network topology between OuTe and InTe are even more evident; which the author finds very interesting. Differences in node size between figure 7a and figure 7b are evident, specially for the words 'something', 'learning', and 'alternative'. Community structures are also different between OuTe and InTe. For instance, the words shown on figure 5 'interesting' and 'going' form a community in figure 7a but 'interesting' forms a community with not only 'going' but with 'dancing' as well.
In this work the coalescence of two very different processes, that is plastic and algorithmic thinking, converged into a physical abstract painting. The painting being the physical agent conveying a digital message. This message reveals personal information from the author who created the painting, by given viewers the opportunity to read the author's digital exchange with 200 Facebook friends over a 2+ year period. Curation of written excerpts from this digital exchange was facilitated and guided by the utilization of algorithms inherent to the fields of Natural Language Processing and Complex Network Analysis that were implemented by the author for this project. Thus, a plastic idea (the painting with envelops) was enhanced with an algorithmic one (text analysis and visualization).
Supplemental Information_
Here it is the concordance analysis for the rest of the selected words:
INCOMING Facebook Messages written BY FRIENDS to author
Displaying 25 of 66 matches:
lavor your life with a little bit of tango Tango dance therapy for individuals
your life with a little bit of tango Tango dance therapy for individuals and co
therapy for individuals and couples Tango dance evenings and private lessons.
ompania es Italina y se llama Regina tango shoes Te mande Las fotos si alguna v
ved to New York where he founded his tango band Tango Meditarraneo and lately L
York where he founded his tango band Tango Meditarraneo and lately Los Peores d
ditarraneo and lately Los Peores del Tango and has collaborated with various ar
g seriously in karate, he discovered tango and soon knew that his life would ne
he same. He diligently commenced his tango studies, learning from tango masters
ced his tango studies, learning from tango masters and milongueros from Argenti
, adding that he strongly recommends tango for everyone, of all ages. Here ya g
ery exciting: Martin tu relación con tango es muy fuerte correcto? Conoces al c
fident it will be a good spontaneous tango moment Wednesday! It’s all about the
ging part lol! No problem! As far as tango practice goes, Beata & I will be at
er... just practicing to any regular tango music wont help too much. we should
. thurdays might be. i have some new tango students starting tomorrow, they wer
& white Argentinian movies, videos, tango cartoons, performance videos, tango
tango cartoons, performance videos, tango documentaries and more. I will wait
or three years. It will be a book of tango quotes and photographs. I have my ne
we will work on it! Ok. We know the tango very well we are not professional bu
sional but we both have been dancing tango for years in. Buenos. Aires. My part
n automatic mess of the page Bologna Tango Lab, don’t care about it. Gracias Ma
justo ayer que mencionaste sobre el Tango Club, ¿sigue funcionando? Many thank
y top, all male younge dancer during tango with her, just keep look at her sexy
the one only not look at her body & tango well with her. Sure, in the end, he
OUTGOING Facebook Messages written BY AUTHOR to friends
Displaying 25 of 206 matches:
hay aporte nuevo a lo ya dicho en el tango la historia es muy directa y esta su
of the event: new media art event + tango dance demo at the Uruguayan consulat Schedule_ Introductory Remarks Tango Dance Performance (Jusleine Daniel &
ile, la exhibición esta en NJ videos tango HK: En donde matan a niños por queda
rquesta de Hector del Curto 'Eternal Tango Orchestra' en el Lincoln Center los
incoln Center los veranos que tienen tango al aire libre. Hola Richard, super o
a project related to development of tango dance choreography using genetic alg
possible avenue would be to contact tango people in Tokyo and run a tango soci
tact tango people in Tokyo and run a tango social event in an architectural pla
architectural place of interest with tango films projected on interesting surfa
podia realizar otro cortometraje de tango en incluir los temas del proximo alb
ros cortos que hice incluí música de tango (both: copyright free y copyrighted
a dar charla las milongas grandes de tango están cobrando $25 entrada y las mas
las mas chicas $12. Los artistas de tango cobran $200 la performance por baila
por bailar tres canciones y un DJ de tango cobra $100 la noche, mas los multime
ntrada y pagando artistas que mezcle tango y media arts, con performances de ba
iovisual. Trayendo buenos artista de tango y media arts podemos meter unas 200-
aqui esta todo el proceso explicado tango lyrics created by Martin Calvino usi
char-RNN algorithm with database of tango lyrics from credito a
with human-made creative instances. Tango lyrics created using Recurrent Neura
c sound compositions with a notch of tango remix. aqui va 'liner notes': impeca
imeras compositions son con letra de tango hecha con machine learning. Las ulti
edo hacer las otras con re-mixado de tango que ya no tiene mas copyright (que s
2 (mi propio sonido) + re-mixado de tango si, la idea es seguir creando cortin
perimentos en música electrónica con tango re-mix para que los escuches. Son de
INCOMING Facebook Messages written BY FRIENDS to author
Displaying 12 of 12 matches:
obably take about 35 minutes. The alternative room opens for dancing at 11:15 p
orked out well. Do you want to DJ alternative on saturday ? I have not hired a
impossible I am also seeking more alternative DJs. Can you DJ alternative? If i
room dj, he hasn’t played in the alternative room for us. ;)b And seems like y
iel and Andrew. Adam and I DJ the alternative room more than anyone else. :)) M
songs but didn’t mention all your alternative songs were going to be electronic
. If you’ve spent any time in our Alternative room in the past with any of our
in that sense. We saw some of our alternative regulars didn’t dance in the alt
ou; how often do you dance in the alternative room in our events? Just curious
s no mention of you wanting to do alternative room when you asked originally. I
ve to have more alt dj’s Let’s do alternative this time and book you for trad a
yed in the other room. We have an alternative room so that probably doesn’t mak
OUTGOING Facebook Messages written BY AUTHOR to friends
Displaying 25 of 25 matches:
mance). I am mostly interested in alternative room, but I can do traditional as
he audiovisual performance at the alternative room, please let me know so we ca
up on audio-visual performance at alternative room. Do you think there is possi
a rush yes, definitely. I can DJ alternative I will post and tag you so you ca
io-visual-performance project for alternative tango room at your milonga. I wou
an audio visual performance with alternative music and projected visuals mappe
d to the entire white wall of the alternative room as means to immerse dancers
coming to Hong Kong I DJed at the alternative room of 'All Night Milonga' which
mplemented (not all milongas have alternative rooms with clean white walls wher
performances are the next wave in alternative tango rooms across the country. L
could perform it in real life at alternative rooms at some milonga in the city
more than 200 persons). They have alternative tango room and we would perform t
she is there regarding DJ-ing at alternative or tradition, it was my mistake t
ed a theme (to go to the roots of alternative tango [electronic + tango] and de
which I expect around $50-$70 for alternative and $100-$120 for traditional. It
ent I am more interested in DJing alternative because I am taking classes in el
pressed my intention to DJ on the alternative room and you said YES. So I had t
I was referring to DJ-ing on the alternative and every 8 alternative songs to
ng on the alternative and every 8 alternative songs to play a tango (tango/vals
what I did at 'All Night Milonga' alternative room before going to Hong Kong (I
/vals/milonga) interspersed among alternative songs. This approach was the one
o switch room. When I DJed at the alternative room in ANM they really liked tha
ut. My ratio is about for every 8 alternative songs, one tango. So far its work
But if you prefer me playing all alternative music throughout the night that's
to play non-regular tangos on the alternative as well. Is that OK with you guys
INCOMING Facebook Messages written BY FRIENDS to author
Displaying 9 of 9 matches:
ects with Budapest Art orchestra, electronic music performance and music insta
lained to us that it was too much electronic music all night. You had mentione
ng a mix of world music with some electronic tango spread into that mix. So we
ying. But again I am not a fan of electronic music that much in tango or outsi
spect to this for sure. I do like electronic tango and it’s great to have it i
don’t force yourself to listen to electronic music at our events while DJing t
themselves. If you want to study electronic music for your art projects our p
a non typical tango song? Meaning electronic or contemporary? If so yes that’s
c that might work but if you mean electronic or non-tango stuff then that is n
OUTGOING Facebook Messages written BY AUTHOR to friends
Displaying 12 of 12 matches:
y Fanni Fazakas (for performance electronic music) podes empezar con tu bio,
's daughter); all combined within electronic sound compositions with a notch o
s especializadas en new media and electronic art Si, esta buena. Es chica igua
classes on professional DJing and electronic music composition. In Sep I will
rested in giving a performance of electronic music as invited guest? I have a
posts very relevant when creating electronic sound compositions: Thought of yo
created my first truly danceable electronic sound composition named 'tuve que
lude your bandoneon piece into my electronic sound creations! It could be very
started to take two courses: (a) electronic music composition and (b) profess
ity sometime this week to see the electronic art exhibition at the Whitney Mus
ve because I am taking classes in electronic music composition and I am compos
self to listen great composers of electronic tango and I learn a lot in the pr
INCOMING Facebook Messages written BY FRIENDS to author
Displaying 10 of 10 matches:
outreach me ha encantado curar el festival new latin wave es un agrado trabaj
ao antes que te fueras hola! en el festival eyeo en minneapolis hey sorry baby
fter other DJ's, what night of the festival is it early or late, what is the c
be live stream from fb page of the festival just follow the first lecture of S
not enough to meet new DJs for the festival so i came up with the idea of a ch
n Kiev so we decided to do a small festival for our friends during Christmas t
ke pictures she is a friend of the festival for many years of course) who was
help you going to a festival so there will be no service ok coo
pretty battered from all the film festival screening, but I'll arrange to hav
ay mucho mucho. Esta ESO que es un festival anual: Despues tenes la spaginas d
OUTGOING Facebook Messages written BY AUTHOR to friends
Displaying 17 of 17 matches:
y/o performance Deadline en Feb y festival en Abril, te pagan pasaje Presenta
usco en airbnb cerca del lugar del festival o cerca de la joda en la cuidad? L
with you here). At some moment the festival should send me access keys to shar
with you here). At some moment the festival should send me access keys to shar
lamado para presentación de obra a festival pueden enviar un correo a todos lo
oy viajando a Buenos Aires para el festival +CODE. Voy a dar unos talleres en
nde? Con Jus estamos viajando a un festival de tango en Bari, Italia a fines d
well. I saw your post on Remolino festival and opportunity for DJ. I just sta
for you? There will be a big tango festival in your city coming up soon, Phila
e you guys have created an awesome festival Because of my interest in DJing I
if I would actually attend to the festival and if having a good time as dance
mpetition to win a spot on a tango festival in Ukraine. If the select me, I go
ily in Romania before or after the festival in Ukraine! How about that! guys,
audience of the international film festival in which the short will be present
shorts and they are listed on the festival program and their own social media
taller que voy a dat en +CODE art festival en Buenos Aires. Un taller asi se
a todo bien, yo busco si hay algun festival de arte electrónico en Noruega par
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Displaying 13 of 13 matches:
eb Stratos Achlatis studied vocal performance at the Institute of Vocal Arts an
arch can i do a talk, workshop or performance for the event? oki postulo me enc
o tuyo? me avisas ya po super! tu performance cuanto dura? presupuesto maximo 2
No, I’m not in the video. It is a performance with he and Corina. There is a vi
n movies, videos, tango cartoons, performance videos, tango documentaries and m
have the original videos of this performance Just emailed you with a couple of
t Art orchestra, electronic music performance and music installations in 3LD Ar
sunday? oh this satuarday I have performance at night the class will ends at 9
ail Matt said not confirm yet our performance is on the 9th right? Thursday? To
ok so let's meet tomorrow And our performance is not on next week I can’t confi
interesante el proyecto de tecno performance de tango y quisiera mantener cont
ally with Pugliese. Regarding the performance aspect, I agree that you should b
for the surrealistic dimension of performance dance. Te los voy enviando en est
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Displaying 25 of 42 matches:
Introductory Remarks Tango Dance Performance (Jusleine Daniel & Stratos Achlat
Calvino) Experimental AudioVisual Performance (Lu Wang & Martin Calvino) Candom
u Wang & Martin Calvino) Candombe Performance (Marco Guarino) Hola Jus! todo bi
a: el 28 de Febrero voy a dar una performance de música electronica en Rutgers
l caribe, dare una charla y luego performance de los temas del album looping_th
s + 4 performances or 5 talks + 3 performance OK, super ok, si esta en Princeto
elle Hessel, y Fanni Fazakas (for performance electronic music) podes empezar c
artistas de tango cobran $200 la performance por bailar tres canciones y un DJ
es en la vuelta ya (para charla y performance audio-visual) a OK! y un Facebook
s y artistas americanos dando los performance para integrar ambas comunidades.
odo. Podes ayudar, far charla y/o performance Deadline en Feb y festival en Abr
z Cumple! Ok, es para la clase la performance y es solo un tema. La práctica es
d tango que estoy preparando como performance para una de mis clases en ITP. Se
días podrías. Tengo que hacer el performance en vivo para la clase que es el d
idea, luego podríamos replicar el performance en vivo en salon alternativo de a
are still up for the audiovisual performance at the alternative room, please l
nted to follow up on audio-visual performance at alternative room. Do you think
U fellows to have an audio-visual performance this coming Sat since I will be D
oductory opportunity for a second performance with Lu Wang later on. The price
e would need a tentative date for performance and also stop by the studio one o
you about giving an audio visual performance with alternative music and projec
uld you be interested in giving a performance of electronic music as invited gu
candombe, sound art, audiovisual performance y tango dance demo. Voy a dar una
tting up an immersive audiovisual performance at your monthly Sat milonga. The
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Displaying 11 of 11 matches:
enza su tesis. Uno de los temas es proyecto de salmones en tierra. Por ahí cap
iame al mail invitalos si! mira el proyecto tortilla stories pareja de sejo me
ue tuya o te invitaron? un abrazo! Proyecto de I+D y publicación de un libro y Escribile! Suerte con este proyecto che! Thanks for messaging us. We'l
ng about. buenísimo, Qué bien! ese proyecto es de mis favoritos, el ecolocaliz
antaría colaborar contigo en algún proyecto combinando danza y visuales (y si
uro de lo que se podrìa hacer como proyecto de negocio te escribo. Te parece?
inversión. Querés venderla con un proyecto arriba o queres que ya se haga el
orque me pareció mu interesante el proyecto de tecno performance de tango y qu
cultura. Fue por q le presente un proyecto de Educación. Y en la charla se di
nal y proyectos. Comentale todo tu proyecto y que pretendes. I suppose they in
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Displaying 9 of 9 matches:
pro headphones asi que el proximo proyecto musical q te mande va a sonar en T
para prevenir cualquier demora en proyecto en caso de que pasaporte/visa se e
olega de ITP de Chile que tiene un proyecto de música interactiva super bueno
n trabajo aquí. El contrato es por proyecto de un año. Después veré si sale al
en residencia podemos hacer algún proyecto de coreografía tanguera con algori
Vos podes ser mi agente para este proyecto en Uy. En el presupuesto incluimos
son los términos mas conocidos. El proyecto es para films cortos como parte de
erreno + la casa como inversion en proyecto arquitectónico. Si tu estudio pued
demas les quedo colgado el segundo proyecto que cuentan un poco pero sin haber
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Displaying 25 of 25 matches:
estaba buscando trabajo, de repente hong kong es distinto dile a leon! wow qu
rada? Porque te vas ahora en breve a Hong Kong Hola Mart{in,que buena noticia!
buenísimo, felicitaciones!! te vas a Hong Kong? o Tomás va a NY como están tus
es on top of this. Are you done with Hong Kong now? I thought you were going t
t! Always a ton to do. How's life in Hong Kong? Do you miss us? Martin! Sorry
Thank you!! Have a great day/night. Hong Kong will make you practice. Hahahah
h. See you man Hi Martin you will in hong kong on 31 Aug? we have a live music
ed some actors, not tango dancers in hong kong social. coz no male dancer like
lder male dancer like 75 year ago in hong kong.... on the other hand, the fema
ep) I hope you live in New York, not Hong Kong - the time difference is a bit
Plaza, 496 Jaffe Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong. (MTR: Causeway Bay Station Exi
ud Martin, espero que andes bien por Hong Kong. Tenía una pregunta para vos ya
. How about you? How is your stay in Hong Kong so far? Hey Martin! Im doing al
k for a bit Would he cool to live in Hong Kong and be involved in that I’ll ch
Yes hoisin is even a bigger issue in Hong Kong than in New York. Are you comin
oming back to NY anytime soon? How’s Hong Kong? Hey! It was great! I didn’t do
Martin, When will you be arrived in Hong Kong? I need time to prepare rooms f
aja Btw. I am here but my wife is in Hong Kong until early June. Yes. That was
seek advice from them has Housing in Hong Kong is expensive but city u is near
u: Will send their info but Tango in Hong Kong is very narrow. Everyone dances
Raymond and Lily. Yes. Community in Hong Kong is small. Good Tango is on weds
. Even though my wife and I are from Hong Kong, we both stay with our families
NYC tango scene. He will be going to Hong Kong to study and he has few questio
apartment, and how long you stay in Hong Kong, and budget for the apartment.
truction firm Qué interesante eso de Hong Kong! Como mínimo, va a ser una expe
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Displaying 25 of 79 matches:
me fui directo al centro de arte de Hong Kong que había una muestra/instalaci
cing experience. Lo mismo me paso en Hong Kong cuando colabore con el computer
mplo CHIKA y Laurenzo (mi ex-jefe en Hong Kong) y nunca vendieron una obra! la
del contrato Aaron, te copa venir a Hong Kong? Hay un faculty member que esta
Presentas algo en eyeo? Estoy bien, Hong Kong esta bueno No pasa nada Que bue
dan para llevar familia (somos 4) a Hong Kong? Se me ocurrio idea cuando fui
consulado. Ya pregunte si tienen en Hong Kong pero no, solo en Being y Shangh
primera puede darse antes de irme a Hong Kong. Cuando vengas a Boston hacemos
der hacer la primera antes de irme a Hong Kong Y ustedes ahora en que andan? S
irme carta contratación y todo Voy a Hong Kong Fines de abril viajó para ahí S
ng artists) nope yes, I am done with Hong Kong for now. Yes, I was going for a
boss was in USA too. So, I came back Hong Kong was good. I came back to USA be
dy. Thanks! Hi Sarah! Greetings from Hong Kong (there is a lot of tango here).
t week of January, then come back to Hong Kong. If you are still up for the au
well. I am still waiting for visa to Hong Kong. I wanted to follow up on audio
April work for you? I am leaving to Hong Kong in May. Let me know if you like
y best to find someone before I live Hong Kong Thanks for your comments Batt!
let’s grab a coffee. I am leaving to Hong Kong for a year to work on AI (machi
ing) and art!! At City University of Hong Kong. I am leaving end of April this
ng costs close to City University of Hong Kong in Kowloon Hi Jen, I hope you r
from flu! I wanted to ask you about Hong Kong, I will be working at City Univ
ill be working at City University of Hong Kong The salary is low $HK 20,000 pe
imiento de tia Irma? Antes de irme a Hong Kong voy a llamar. Te quería pregunt
en. Me lo piden en la Universidad de Hong Kong para completar formulario ok, b
Carly, thanks for hiring me as DJ in Hong Kong and for your tango friendship.
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Displaying 7 of 7 matches:
its a lot trabajando en una app de machine learning y midi oh ok no idea how w
ndo unos proyectos mas visuales con machine learning y mas tangibles para poder
ion Capturing, Virtual Reality, and Machine Learning to create a modern, anthro
g4j is the most famous java lib for machine learning. and recently, google rele
ou can use this I guess there is no machine learning lib for processing i think
f July and in August was going to a machine learning workshop goodnight! *start
to know! Yea I do want to get into machine learning but didn’t get into the Ge
OUTGOING Facebook Messages written BY AUTHOR to friends
Displaying 23 of 23 matches:
s entendiendo python y command line Machine learning en academia es todo python
ns son con letra de tango hecha con machine learning. Las ultimas dos son con l
ra futuro (no ahora). Leyendo sobre machine learning y 'perceptrons' del libro
tura importante en la aplicación de machine learning al arte y redactarlo como
de comienzo? para research project machine learning + art. En ITP existe la po
puesto que querían de un taller de machine learning a un precio que no me daba
Hacia tiempo que quería entrarle a machine learning y cuando vi el llamado de
ecently on artistic applications of machine learning and artificial intelligenc
ca tanguera hecha con algoritmos de machine learning a partir de una base de da
ong Kong por 13 meses a trabajar en machine learning and art, así que me salgo
-map-jitter. Is a friendly intro to machine learning. My boss doesn’t like it,
tor for real time performance using machine learning. Check it out Learning pyt
Max/MSP, Python he wants to set up machine learning! Hey Dan! What are you doi
n to Hong Kong or not. The topic of machine learning is fascinating (and diffic
an AI system (neural network using machine learning) to compose Tango songs an
hey Koji, I've been looking at your machine learning art, very interesting. I g
o know any Proceesing library to do machine learning? Or any library for proces
Or any library for processing to do machine learning? awesome, great. I knew ab
exploring artistic applications of machine learning and artificial intelligenc
laboratory with the aim of applying machine learning and artificial intelligenc
exploring python and tensorFlow for machine learning (just got started two week
plants; 3) Artistic applications of machine learning (AI) to science processes,
on finding artistic applications of machine learning. I previously created artw
INCOMING Facebook Messages written BY FRIENDS to author
Displaying 9 of 9 matches:
e motion capture if you'd like. That being said students will have priority but
limited schedule its not a matter of being pushy. its a matter of figuring out
0pm at DanzStage tmr Dear Thanks for being my guest DJ tonight It's ok Have u a
an hour and if it’s at any point not being received well we might take over. Or
t talking of course) to the music by being on the floor with the dancers. I thi
to catch up! looking forward to you being back for a bit Would he cool to live
our website that stands out to me as being quite different from your interactiv
reform there. And apparently we are being read by thousands of people and we s
a verse-chorus structure, the chorus being the part beginning "Soy un estrella
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Displaying 9 of 9 matches:
guys and your schedule. I want avoid being pushy since you guys are doing it wi
tienen en Hong Kong pero no, solo en Being y Shanghai Hola Tom, en consulado Ur
blink to the lab to see the research being performed? What are you working on?
ce. Jusleine and I apologize for not being able to make it ust joking, of cours
producing a 'masterpiece' but rather being in the flow of constant experimentat
le. I am glad you guys are doing OK, being parents fills you with great joy. Su
is already in Boston). For the time being I will be joining NYU-Steinhardt mus
ipt Thanks Rita, and I apologize for being late. I already placed de $100 for l
ing because I saw one of your pieces being showcased at FRAMED. I got an invita
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Displaying 10 of 10 matches:
atice to that music then Will we be dancing to the music? or will we dance to w
tes. The alternative room opens for dancing at 11:15 pm. Come any time before t
any time before to set up. General dancing starts at 10:15. Martin, you can pu
ly, I have NEVER gotten an erection dancing ANY of the dances I used to do but
I don't mind. Hahahahah. I like the dancing scenes with Jusline. Not bad. Also
professional but we both have been dancing tango for years in. Buenos. Aires.
Jusleine Daniel and Martin Calvino dancing tango in front of a computer. Their
Jusleine Daniel and Martin Calvino dancing tango in front of a computer (the c
owd. These days I enjoy hearing and dancing to Pugliese. It just needs to be th
me to HK May I ask how many year of dancing experience you have? And what kind
OUTGOING Facebook Messages written BY AUTHOR to friends
Displaying 21 of 21 matches:
film and architecture for enhancing dancing spaces (tango) and science research
ting surfaces/planes to enhance the dancing experience. Lo mismo me paso en Hon
ou want to have a practice time for dancing the soundtracks? here is the link t
rovided a link to the music for the dancing I let you guys total freedom on the
I really enjoyed playing music and dancing at your Milonga! ok great! ok great
at NYC milongas each time I see you dancing on the floor + all you creativity i
situation and takes distance while dancing or not choosing to dance again. Ack
ou, and when that's happen, I avoid dancing again with that particular girl I w
super small I better spend my time dancing when not working Super, let you go
t with you and your partner and the dancing at the studio at ITP/NYU. Then I ca
Cafe tonight, if we do. I shoot you dancing socially right there to have extra
omercial at ITP/NYU? I need help by dancing a tango song with Jusleine at ITP/N
cord people's reactions (any couple dancing to the soundtrack) I will happily s
I am not sure if I am going out for dancing Hi Ka, thanks a lot. Sure, let’s do
thanks for your message. I've been dancing for a while now, not as much as I w
olio can be accessed at My style of dancing is very beat-based and thus works w
g, I would like to try it for Tango Dancing yes, I tried and does not appear to
adelphia several years ago. He stop dancing but Marta and I kept going great he
w already! I've tested the floor by dancing myself but haven't thought about yo
. It would be interesting to record dancing with mirror on the background and c
people liked it, at least they were dancing for most of the night. hey Adam & C
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Displaying 17 of 17 matches:
for your request on FB. What you’re doing is extremely interesting. Please kee
er y transportarte ese dia nobody is doing it for the money, and it's accessibl
to him with lodging and stuff i love doing stuff for cheap, i wanna invite him
ople loved the aesthetics and we are doing the beta version this month, i will
ike to pursue art as well. I plan on doing a combination of 3 things You are go
amazing - what type of work are you doing there? Congratulations! btw thats so
either day works for her. So, we are DOING it! Let me know which day you prefer
is week would work. Will you guys be doing the super deal? You pick one How abo
doing? Hope you and your family are doing good and enjoying your new journey.
o there will be another chance. I am doing great, I am getting some interesting
in Hong Kong so far? Hey Martin! Im doing alright, just a bit busy with planti
in NYC Hello Martin! I hope you are doing well. I was thinking of your wonderf
sit to polyu Some of my friends they doing this I study design in polyu before
king Nime tho, so will definitely be doing performance. Yes hoisin is even a bi
..." I know how you feel. I am busy doing editing work to get through the summ
ed the video you posted...are we not doing the diabetes concept anymore? i was
an do some testing are you doing with the programming? were you able
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Displaying 15 of 15 matches:
ld be interested in collaborating or doing an artist-in-residence at the Studio
avoid being pushy since you guys are doing it with good will and without paymen
to economically sustain myself while doing so until I can live entirely from my
ngs. This would be on top of $60 for Doing tango during the night Hi Sarah, Lu
anguera' Changing topic, how are you doing Batt! but how to pitch it to get vol
your article. I am glad you guys are doing OK, being parents fills you with gre
is Remolino? Hey Marta! hope you are doing well. I saw your post on Remolino fe
nice chatting with you What are you doing right now? My project just started,
hine learning! Hey Dan! What are you doing until Sep-2018? There is a faculty m
anks Hi Nelson, good to know you are doing great. Your research project sounds
l keep creating along what I've been doing as well. Thanks for sharing! How is
general and so much more; and in so doing we can enrich the community of appli
of the building! I said WHAT ARE YOU DOING and he run to put on his trousers! T
ng well. Are you still interested in doing the audio-visual performance at the
n event on the consulate while their doing office work on a regular weekday. Do
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Displaying 25 of 43 matches:
SPAM! SPAM! SPAM! A video message is going around. It is NOT from me. HACK! HAC
ll waiting on line to be told what’s going on Hola Martín. Cómo estás? No sé si
as soon as possible how soon are you going to be ready to shoot? i suggest that
ng a combination of 3 things You are going to keep pursuing your career as an a
career as an artist, right? Are you going to come back to ITP next year? Total
th Hong Kong now? I thought you were going to be there for an entire year? Work
be there for an entire year? Work is going well but there is much of it! Always
rly as sept because there is so much going on. I also most likely am.moving fro
c and not sure how tbe transition is going to be That sounds great. I look forw
is so booked up with too many things going on What about May? Hello from buenos
birthday party and there is so much going on. I prefer to space out events so
This is what she recommend. She was going to teach me to do it but it take too
h, ok. Tanguera or tanguero? This is going to make people TALK! Every time I sa
Jusline at Destino Sunday. Yes, and going to the gym right now. Hahaha, nice!
you her choices. I told her you were going for a black & white retro look. b Th
eBook later, or is that a no-no? I'm going to a class right now. See you later.
later. Sure! Hahahahaha, ok but it's going to be dark in there and you won't se
r studio. I totally expected you are going to call me. Sorry, I missed your vis
idad besos de Jorge tambien. Keep it going xx HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL of my f
finish quickly. Thanks Where are we going to meet on Thursday at 7:30pm? Huh t
here or let’s meet on Monday are you going to be there? cool, I will be at scho
be at school tomorrow 12-5pm Are you going to be at school today after 6pm? Sou
ght. You had mentioned that you were going to play a trad song for every 8 alt
tion all your alternative songs were going to be electronic. We would have give
but there isn't any. I think you are going to like the first task. I agree with
OUTGOING Facebook Messages written BY AUTHOR to friends
Displaying 24 of 36 matches:
production yes, Jusleine for sure is going to Nocturne. I may stay with daughte
email Hi Eli, Jusleine and I will be going to 'Capricho' milonga tonight. If yo
e with Hong Kong for now. Yes, I was going for a year but Laurenzo came to Bost
ngo during the night Hi Sarah, Lu is going out of town (is spring break for us
ss that sounds interesting. Your are going to make an invaluable contribution t
during this week the latest. Are you going out tonight? We might go to El Desti
and for your tango friendship. I am going back to NYC and family tomorrow so t
a great time at your milongas! I am going back to NYC and family tomorrow so t
st Portugal so I am not sure if I am going out for dancing Hi Ka, thanks a lot.
a video and send it to you I am not going to class today. shoot me a message,
it burned out and stressed out. I am going to take a rest today. I will be on t
gh art. Hey Mihai, how is everything going now that you’re busy dad and family
in New Brunswick Hey Peace, are you going to Tango Stories at Rutgers this eve
ishing the semester most likely I am going to Hong Kong for a year at end of Ap
nt me was great Thanks Ella! Are you going tango on the fountain at Princeton U
re is big emphasis in publishing and going to meetings in addition to creating
verything going? quick question: are going to dance to NYC anytime from Sat Feb
and after 9pm. I am not sure if I am going to Mala Leche or el Destino this wee
Nelson! How are you? Hope things are going well! My application to NSF visualiz
some comments to it hi Nelson, I am going to focus on this paper from your cur
hanks for sharing! How is everything going for you? There will be a big tango f
they also care about publishing and going meetings Hey Koji, thanks! I will be
He stop dancing but Marta and I kept going great her name is Marta Chaban one o
the comments were very useful and is going to be better. Changing the topic, wh
INCOMING Facebook Messages written BY FRIENDS to author
Displaying 8 of 8 matches:
If you have any text you consider interesting about your work, please consider
ual work referencing DNA but more interesting in this context might be works by
ion while tango with you? this is interesting subject matter in Tango. My exper
ristmas! Hi Martin, woooa what an interesting project! absolutely! Let me see w
am doing great, I am getting some interesting results from my data so far. I am
encionados en mi sitio: That’s an interesting idea martin, but I’d prefer to ke
I just thought you would find it interesting as a possible comparison to condu
m Microsoft a while ago. Would be interesting to put you two in touch. His name
OUTGOING Facebook Messages written BY AUTHOR to friends
Displaying 14 of 14 matches:
est with tango films projected on interesting surfaces/planes to enhance the da
go songs. First results are quite interesting as it learns paragraph structure
if you have time It would be very interesting to work together OK. Yes, we have
nd deformed but occasionally very interesting and beautiful (in the new media a
nd deformed but occasionally very interesting from a new media art perspective.
If there is anything potentially interesting from the musical aspect of compar
r thesis that you sent me. It was interesting on how Egyptian music tried to ac
ou for your time, it was fund and interesting to do it! Hi Marta, please find y
, thanks for sharing. It looks an interesting idea to explore what you just men
ll have family there) could be an interesting approach to explore. We could get
window and mirrors gives me VERY interesting results. Do you have more of thos
eo recording screen). It would be interesting to record dancing with mirror on
the essay I wrote as it would be interesting to collect artworks from several
or as background may also produce interesting results even if it’s recorded wit
INCOMING Facebook Messages written BY FRIENDS to author
Displaying 9 of 9 matches:
ently commenced his tango studies, learning from tango masters and milongueros
live and building a legacy. A deep learning comes from a life enjoyed and live
t trabajando en una app de machine learning y midi oh ok no idea how wix works
proyectos mas visuales con machine learning y mas tangibles para poder vender
ring, Virtual Reality, and Machine Learning to create a modern, anthropologica
e this I guess there is no machine learning lib for processing i think this is
I am really getting into it. I am learning a lot about data analysis in R and
d in August was going to a machine learning workshop goodnight! *started in th
Yea I do want to get into machine learning but didn’t get into the Gene Kogan
OUTGOING Facebook Messages written BY AUTHOR to friends
Displaying 25 of 25 matches:
endo python y command line Machine learning en academia es todo python Estudia
Hey Gabriel, I would like to start learning how to create augmented reality ap
(no ahora). Leyendo sobre machine learning y 'perceptrons' del libro 'Nature
rtante en la aplicación de machine learning al arte y redactarlo como review a
nzo? para research project machine learning + art. En ITP existe la posibilida
ue querían de un taller de machine learning a un precio que no me daba para de
empo que quería entrarle a machine learning y cuando vi el llamado de Laurenzo
n artistic applications of machine learning and artificial intelligence. It oc
ocused on incorporating AI/machine learning technology onto them. That's the g
ng noticed. The only thing sure is learning by trying Forgot to include the li
ra hecha con algoritmos de machine learning a partir de una base de datos de m
I am preparing my next AI/machine learning project to crunch corpus of many m
por 13 meses a trabajar en machine learning and art, así que me salgo de ITP.
ing machine learning. Check it out Learning python and tensorFlow right now I
isual essay inspired on AI/machine learning and wanted to create art exploring
ly artificial intelligence to art, learning curve is high Seriously, I been wo
ve a chat after you are back. I am learning python and tensorFlow everyday Ok,
Kong or not. The topic of machine learning is fascinating (and difficult) and
artificial intelligence has a deep learning curve, it will take me a while unt
I've been looking at your machine learning art, very interesting. I got and i
d head into python and tensorFlow. Learning curve is high. Have deadline for a
g artistic applications of machine learning and artificial intelligence. Scien
y with the aim of applying machine learning and artificial intelligence for de
python and tensorFlow for machine learning (just got started two weeks ago) I
) Artistic applications of machine learning (AI) to science processes, for ins
INCOMING Facebook Messages written BY FRIENDS to author
Displaying 15 of 15 matches:
Wednesday? Ran out of energy? I was looking for you at Cafe. Great! And thank Y
It's ok Have u arrived ? Hi Martin Looking forward Milonga starting at 9pm ok?
e description of the person you are looking for. I currently work as a paraprof
ers, kamong I have tango team, good looking dancers. Skill good Hey man. We mig
do that! The project sounds neat - looking forward to the results Hi Martin -
gracias!! Woooa felicitaciones!!!! Looking forward Ok, no problem! I sent you
ot I have higher res more contrasty looking videos that were finally sent to me
r... Mihai Miclăuș Mihai Hi Martin! Looking forward to it. I'll watch out for i
i hope so and i thank you for that. looking forward to learn more about you i v
es that would be great to catch up! looking forward to you being back for a bit
ite. i think that fits what you are looking for. see you then I’d be great if y
t wait to speak with you Excellent! Looking forward to our conversation! It typ
admire your creativity but I’m not looking to represent anyone with this type
, we spend most of our reading time looking at endless scrollable lists of post
u by the way, Martin. Thank you for looking at that! Yes I would love to. Also,
OUTGOING Facebook Messages written BY AUTHOR to friends
Displaying 23 of 23 matches:
h available at the studio. Your are looking for an ED? what's an ED? It's a job
job opening position? I am actively looking for full time employment right now
he spot with improvisation. Already looking forward to it! No problem if you ca
ve funding to pay anybody (actively looking for sponsors). I will present the f
do after ITP? yes, that's correct. Looking for options on how to economically
, but I can do traditional as well. Looking for Sep-Dec-2018. thanks for lettin
uldn't go out dancing. see U! sure! looking forward to it! great! thanks for th
I live a few blocks away Hi Nikki, looking forward to meet you at OQ 3:30PM to
ve funding to pay anybody (actively looking for sponsors). I will present the f
the story to show you Hi Joo Hyun, looking forward to meet you at 2PM today OK
ostpone it for another time Hi Mel, looking forward to meet with you at Joe at
h loudness differences above 15% by looking at the stroke width of the white ba
in their music among them tango. In looking forward for potential collaboration
ice/maize domestication and already looking for next art-science collaboration
his year Salary is not much so I am looking under $HK 10,000 per month rent I w
, greetings from Hong Kong! Already looking forward to your workshop at School
and I should be heading back to M3. Looking forward to meet you on Thursday! de
I also paint on canvas with acrylic Looking forward to speed with you too speak
eeting and let people know your are looking for next opportunity. Applying fo g
what they have hey Koji, I've been looking at your machine learning art, very
anks for your message. I am already looking forward to it! is the same reason f
ng back to USA this Sep-5 and start looking for new opportunities again. (2) Ye
University Cool, size? Display def? Looking forward! Hola Bob! como estas? Esto
INCOMING Facebook Messages written BY FRIENDS to author
Displaying 14 of 14 matches:
. Don't assume anything changes ir something will be ok. I actually don't have
to dance with her a a practica or something to get familar do you have an idea
e as a reference. Home phone: Yes, something like that. Well, the class I took
.what is your phone number in case something happens? b Can I wear black? My pa
desde bodas a eventos y conciertos Something new/old I’m working now Hi nice to
Good to hear from you! This isn't something BTI has done - we only offer sort
can teansform this alignment into something beautiful Hi Martin. Yeah i saw it
latively cheap, but I did see that something about which cost are covered Hi!!
be I should think about developing something else. Anyways, please let me know
s illusion of love and marriage as something perfect and as we grow up this ide
you said you were going to record something this afternoon so can you please r
is kind far to school so actually something came up with my thesis and because
nal life, indeed, Irina's smile is something out of this world Ioana is on mate
thing happen! I think we can make something exciting for the dancers and get a
OUTGOING Facebook Messages written BY AUTHOR to friends
Displaying 12 of 12 matches:
subway station will be in midtown, something convenient for all. Can you let me
ne too. No tie is better my phone, something is really wrong with the charger a
It can be tango trouser or skirt. Something comfortable because there is two s
eat what I did but could lead into something a photoresists with a 10kohm resis
iful (in the new media art sense). Something like this: Hi Mario, I hope this m
from a new media art perspective. Something like this: Hola Kristian. gracias
nd it will have a strange feeling; something like this (but different) Hi Robin
se (in some manner). I will record something during this afternoon to bring in
image and sound As soon as I have something to show I will share it I cannot m
may work online from USA. Let’s do something together! You check out Wekinator
ks for bringing that up! I learned something new already! I've tested the floor
un Unicornio! I am trying to make something like that using code and computer
INCOMING Facebook Messages written BY FRIENDS to author
Displaying 12 of 12 matches:
udents starting tomorrow, they were talking about have a weekly lesson thursday
ience. Please bear in mind that I'm talking from over 25 years of playing music
. You can get a lot of feedback(not talking of course) to the music by being on
trained model. Now Hayley and I are talking with her artist friend to explorer
on runs anywhere from 30-35 minutes Talking points for Martin Calvino I read on
cided to not include any audio. I’m talking about the piece “Comparative tango
lieve is 2d, correct? Here are some talking points! Hi Martin! Great! I can't w
ion Thursday? I will send over some talking points now Hi Martin, Thank you for
an also send you a list of possible talking points after we schedule a talk. Th
efully meet to talk in more detail. Talking on the phone is an option too. Is t
r your project. I had actually been talking about this with a friend from Micro
of coffee on Waverly? Look fwd. to talking more, mel Hey Martin- thanks for yo
OUTGOING Facebook Messages written BY AUTHOR to friends
Displaying 9 of 9 matches:
let us know so we can have time for talking about the film I see I will send te
ke classes regularly each year I am talking about from what I read in your book
munity are great! Hey Stratos, nice talking to you on Robin's practice. As I me
ney's movie it would be great. I am talking about image and sound As soon as I
with me. Thanks for sending me the talking points, which I find them very inte
username is ‘marcalvino’. Possible talking are nice. Hi Kimberly, I am interes
y best to accommodate your request. Talking about 'punishment' because of a cup
's do it! hey guys, I think we were talking about different things. Let's clari
D! I am writing you because we were talking with Suzy about giving a talk at BT
INCOMING Facebook Messages written BY FRIENDS to author
Displaying 15 of 15 matches:
Seido karate in the process. While working seriously in karate, he discovered
t I think about tango!! I have been working on it for two or three years. It wi
ucation. I have years of experience working with kids in various environments,
ith Ezequiel Farfaro, whom I will b working with, we have a few videos already,
y conciertos Something new/old I’m working now Hi nice to meet you Vi que esta
s over now and now i am exclusively working on figuring out my life - there hav
just finished everything. right now working on web app, will tell you the url w
Shiffman, Cristobal and Yinying are working on that. However, google has releas
bly wont work now with that url not working unfortunately the cdn for posenet d
want to paint the wall Welcome Cool Working in hk now? Welcome to join Have sru
llenge. Im developing a product and working with this program (sponsored by CUN
interview would just be about your working conditions in your studio, not for
u arrived Hi guys! I'm at 6th floor working on the project please look at the s
they can give you advice if you are working for city u, you can also seek advic
e been busy with paying work. I was working on how to help you make it more gra
OUTGOING Facebook Messages written BY AUTHOR to friends
Displaying 22 of 53 matches:
. As I was explaining to Beata, I'm working on an upcoming short film on a tang
e this message finds you well. I am working on my next short film featuring a t
alvino and I am a multimedia artist working at the intersection of plant genomi
iting to you because I am currently working on the revised version of my manusc
k and include references to artists working on DNA. On your book 'Digital Art'
earch being performed? What are you working on? towards your PhD in computer sc
ur message. In principle, I will be working on the continuation of my tango and
h better in an indirect way are you working on which next project right now? yo
mments Batt! It was hilarious: I am working on my essay on artificial intellige
tter spend my time dancing when not working Super, let you go then. Yes she tol
PM as I got delayed at work. Still working on short film. I presented it at cl
rt can be compensated that way I am working on the storyboard right now that I
t's medicine training! supernatural working schedules Hi Alexandru, perhaps thi
ask you about Hong Kong, I will be working at City University of Hong Kong The
spot on an upcoming short film I am working on related to tango. Are you intere
nite with my family again and start working on new projects. I look forward to
short film about a tango story I am working on. I would like to invite your par
e this message finds you well. I am working on a tango short film called 'Ocho
e this message finds you well. I am working on my next short film featuring a t
ass today. shoot me a message, I am working on computer from home Hi Haiyi, I a
irty draft of the processing sketch working with possible interactions. Have to
e this message finds you well. I am working on a computer algorithm that create